Very happy to finally have our website up and running !! What a job....I have to give my Brother Neil, a very BIG THANK YOU :) he did an amazing job !!!!

Dan is still hard at work fitting out the bus, this is MASSIVE job !! Remeber this is going to be our home on wheels so it has to be safe, workable and comfortable.

After each road test we learn what else needs to be done, yes it does hold things up a bit but I really don't see myself enjoying being stuck in the middle of the desert somewhere !! Safety first....

Please feel free to join us and share our journey.

Vickie & Dan

Raising awareness of brain cancer while living each day in paradise

Louise Young
2/9/2014 11:42:43 am

Hi Vickie,
How are you, wanted to drop you a line to see where you were on your journey. It is a great venture, wonderful. Hope your health is good and BT is behaving itself. All good for me so far on the health front. Love to catchup when you are back in sunny ol' Perth. Louise


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